Your customers really don't care what you do...
If you run a business, have you ever considered that your customers don't actually care one bit about what you do?

What can we learn from the country that brought us lego?
It isn’t enough to simply say we want to be the next Denmark or the next Norway. We have to understand what these Nordic countries offer their communities that we don’t and then learn from it.

Brands we love - Divine
You can have the greatest brand in the world, but if no one can get their hands on it you might as well be shouting into a vacuum.

Your passion and purpose
Ideas can do one of two things; they can stay in your head and be the place you go to when it all gets a bit much. Or they can spill out, become your passion and your life.

Brands we love - Handelsbanken
Strong values, a commitment to their customers, an agenda driven by localism; doesn’t sound like you’re describing a bank, does it?

Commercial solutions to social problems
Simon Berry saw Coca Cola as the way to get simple medicines that treat childhood diseases to some of the most remote places in the world.